Monday, October 25, 2010

Show Me Some Action!

Love is...

... an action.  No, I take that back.  Love is many actions over the course of many years.  Love is work.  Hard work.  And love has nothing to do with whether we feel like working at it or not.  Frequently, if we want our marriage to work, we must work at it precisely when we feel least like doing so.  It is living selflessly and self-sacrificially when that's the last thing we want to do.  In fact, every description and definition of love that the Bible gives is summarized in this way.

The way I'm describing love may sound like it's a grit-your-teeth-and-bear-it kind of situation, and sometimes it is.  But the only way to find joy in marriage is through selflessness.  Even though it is counter-intuitive, that joy comes not through seeking joy for yourself, but in ridding yourself of the things you think will bring you joy in order to bring joy to your spouse.

Love is action.

1 comment:

  1. Haven't you heard?? Love Love Love is a verb.....
